Rand Country Blog

Rand Country Blog How Realtors Can Protect Themselves When Showing a Home During the spring and summer, realtors host and abundance of open houses and give private showings of their clients’ homes. If you’re a realtor and show a home to a potential buyer, you always have to make sure you know how to protect yourself. You can take numerous easy steps to accomplish this, so here […]
Rand Country Blog Local Attractions to Visit This Summer Now that the warm weather is here, you’ll probably start looking for local activities to enjoy. The lower Hudson Valley and northern New Jersey have many attractions that will offer a lot of fun for its visitors. So, if you’re not sure how to spend a lazy summer day, here are some destinations right in […]
Rand Country Blog How to Keep Your Home Safe While on Vacation As we all know, May will be here on Friday, marking the unofficial start to the summer season. The cold weather is finally gone, pool covers will soon be taken off, and the barbecues will begin to fire up. While there are plenty of summer activities to do at home between May and August, there […]
Rand Country Blog How to Go Green at Home Today is Earth Day, the time of year where we give an extra boost of awareness to the importance of being eco-friendly. Although this is only a one-day observance, you should take the initiative to go green all year and do whatever you can to make Earth cleaner. The place where you can begin is […]
Rand Country Blog Golf Courses in the Lower Hudson Valley and Northern New Jersey The weather is starting to warm up, and we’re starting to think about the fun activities we’ll be enjoying once the chill in the air is officially gone for the season. Some of us look forward to swimming, some look forward to baseball, and some look forward to barbecues. One activity that is definitely anticipated […]
Rand Country Blog How to Enhance Your Home’s Curb Appeal When you’re getting ready to sell your home, you do everything you can to make it look flawless as you go from room to room to make sure that every space is as clean and organized as can be. While you’re taking care of the inside of your home, however, it’s very important not to […]
Rand Country Blog How to Host a Housewarming Party You’ve just bought a home. Your furniture is all set up. Everything has been put in its proper place. All of the empty boxes have been put away. You have finally settled into your new surroundings. You have met your (hopefully friendly) neighbors. What’s next on the list? Throwing a housewarming party, of course! This […]
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