It’s an exciting time for Better Homes and Gardens Rand Realty as we continue to conduct Matterport tours for our Distinctive Collection properties. Just like we discussed back in March, the Matterport 3D camera is making a significant splash in the real estate industry, as the technology allows 360-degree scans of rooms to be taken throughout a house. Once everything is uploaded online, potential buyers can take a virtual tour and get a more in-depth view of a certain house. If you would like a Matterport tour to be done for your house, there is some preparation required for the homeowner prior to having a Matterport taken.
Do you have any pets? One thing we implore you to do is find a comfortable place for your pets to remain while the Matterport photographer is on the job. We ask this because, if animals are roaming around during the photography process, there’s a chance they will appear in the shots and distract from the smooth flow of the tour. Also, you don’t want a pet of a fairly large size to knock over the Matterport camera and damage it. It’s best to take the pets out of the house while the Matterport photographer is at work; but, if you decide to keep your pet in the house during this time, place it in an area of the house where they will be out of the way of the photographer.
Put away any items or personal information you do not want photographed because a Matterport camera has nine lenses and will capture EVERYTHING. Some items you may want to put away are family photos, artwork, jewelry, etc. In order to create the fullest tour possible, the photographer goes around to every room and hallway, so you have to make sure you conceal anything you might not want to show up on the tour.
Please clean and stage all of the rooms and hallways in your house. It shouldn’t be the responsibility of the Matterport photographer to do these tasks. The house should be staged before the Matterport photographer arrives so he/she can be ready to work as soon as they walk in the door. If there are a lot of mirrors in the house, the photographer will also need time to figure out how he will photograph that area so his reflection and the camera are not captured.
The Matterport is a significant step forward for technology in the real estate industry. In order for your house to experience the full benefit of a Matterport virtual tour, it’s important you thoroughly prepare your house for the Matterport photographer so he/she can focus on capturing the charm of your house. Remember, when you’re selling a beautiful and luxurious home, you want to present it in the best way possible. With a little help from you in making the photographer’s job easier, you will certainly appreciate what a Matterport tour can do for your house.
To learn more about Better Homes and Gardens Rand Realty, visit their website and Facebook page, and make sure to “Like” their page. You can also follow them on Twitter.